Monday, November 14, 2011

Be a Follower First

I have been a follower for most of my life.  Still am and I'm proud to be one.

As a son, I tried to be as dutiful as I could be---pitching in on my housechores.  As a service crew, it was basically the same except that you have a manager telling you what to do plus---you get paid. 

Being a follower is not a bad thing.  To be a good leader, you need to be a good follower.  So I guess, being a follower is a preparation for good things to come.

In the next couple of years after my first paying job I pride myself at doing my job well.  I was always told to put QUALITY in everything that I  do and I did.  I guess it kinda rubbed on all those years; plus, I was fortunate enough to be under leaders who were able to put out the best in me.  Leaders who were uncompromising when it comes to quality.  For this I thank God.

But it was never just a job for me.  It did put food on the table but more than anything else it gave me an opportunity to be a part of an ever growing business.  Oh, did I say that I have worked for the same brand all these years?  I still do.