Thursday, November 17, 2011

Aging and Trying to be Graceful About It

I've been telling myself that age is but a number.  I guess that's one way of being positive about it.  There's no denying it though for with each year that passes change happens and as the number grows so does the changes.

As the boy becomes a man the voice becomes deeper and hair starts to grow in all places.  Basically, this is the time of blossoming virility.  But as man reaches the peak of his manhood---it's all down hill from there---physically.  You then start noticing grey hair coming out or your full hair starts receding, and  laugh lines begin to dominate your facial features (that is if you're always smiling; otherwise it would be frown lines for the grumpy!).  Personally I don't mind the greying hair and I'm proud of my laugh lines but what irks me the most about this aging thing is that it has affected my ability to read.  

I have been wearing prescription glasses for most of my life and I never thought of the day that I'd be needing two of them:  one for my regular activities and the other one for reading.  When it hit me that I'd be needing reading glasses I was devastated!  If there was a mid-life crisis---that was it!  Que horror!

I grew up reading books and for me to get incapacitated was hard to accept.  It was only then that I have come face to face with the reality of aging.  I was in denial for a couple of months but as reading came more and more harder to do, good reason got the better of me and I had reading glasses made.

Now I can read again.  At first, the burden of carrying an extra eye wear was a pain but as I came to accept life's inevitable cycle, it was then that I vowed to just deal with it as graciously as I can.  Well, I can read again and that's the bottomline.

Life goes on so---SMILE and enjoy what's there to have.

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