Sunday, March 13, 2011

Java Trippin' at Starbucks

I took the wife for a coffee fix this afternoon at Starbucks SM Fairview. They had a new store at the third level and got the chance to enjoy a relaxing slow day (the Annex branch was packed when we stopped there). We got the chance to seat on cushioned seats and savor the lingering smell of freshly cut plyboard and paint but no matter---the place was devoid of the buzz and chaos that would make up for a gratifying java experience.

I ordered for a Grande Cocoa Cappucino and a Grande Caramel Frappucino for the wife. "Can I take your name sir?" asks the friendly barrista to which I answer with gusto: "Nonoy." I had to articulate that clearly since most people would always miss it as NOYNOY. Personally, I'd rather be called DICK. Anyway...

"One Grande Cocoa Cappucino and one Grande Caramel Frappucino for Nonoy please," relayed the friendly barrista. I pay up and since I was in a mood for chocolate chip cookies went out to buy Chips Ahoy---perfect for coffee! Yum! Yum! I leave my wife to fetch our drinks and when I come back she told me an interesting story.

Well I know for a fact that doctors have bad handwritings but thanks to pharmacists they are able to make sense of what's written on the prescription pad. Unfortunately, there's no such equivalent for barristas or should I say...well you be the judge. Apparently, my name was misread as HENRY and when my order was up the poor girl was calling for Henry. A few moments pass and no one was laying a claim of the java. Fortunately, the wife had the good sense of approaching the counter and straighten things out. So I check out the cup and low and behold---I read NONOY. Check out the picture below and tell me how you read it.

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