Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Twilight Book 4: Breaking Dawn

Finally, I'm done with the Twilight series!

Honestly, I must say that I enjoyed it a lot! The books were quite thick averaging around 550 pages each. The last one, "Breaking Dawn", had 754 pages! But credit goes to Stephanie Meyer for weaving a very intricate story that will definitely keep the readers glued!

"Breaking Dawn" is divided into 3 parts: Bella's marriage to Edward, Jacob's suffering and eventual acceptance of Bella's decision to marry Edward (which is narrated in Jacob's perspective), and then culminates to Bella's "transformation".

Bella and Edward finally gets hitched---much to the consternation of Jacob. During this time, Bella is still human and it was quite intruiging how they're going to go about their honeymoon. Well, Ms. Meyer was already building the scene nicely when suddenly you seemed to have gone into a time warp and everything was over and done with! At first, I thought that I skipped a page worth of reading, but when I back tracked---that was it! It was like missing the punchline of a joke! Anyway, better that way given the target audience of this book!

Jacob still figured prominently in this installment and even if Bella did decide to go with Edward, there's this nagging feeling that she might have chosen wrongly. While Edward is finese and gentelmanly in his ways, Jacob is brusque and wild; they are opposite ends of a magnet---hot and cold! However, both are self sacrificing in their love for Bella. Initially, you would think that the love triangle will continue until the end of the book, that is until---Jacob inprints! At least he doesn't end up broken hearted!---No, I will not divulge who Jacob ends up with for the benefit of those who have yet to read the book. Spoilers ain't fun!

The Volturi once more gets involved, but this time, they have a more sinister plot against Bella and the rest of the Cullens. And Bella...well, from being the weakest link at the start of this saga we will see her as a formidable character to reckon with!

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