Sunday, February 1, 2009

Twilight Book Two: New Moon

I guess I'm officially hooked on the Twilight series! I say this in the light of the fact that I was able to finish reading "New Moon" faster that I normally do ( I even bested Chesca in finishing the book first)! Reading time was no longer relegated during my trips to the potty room but also during every opportunity open to me! During the last two chapters, I was reading lying down with a flash light in hand!

I really enjoyed "New Moon"! The addition of werewolves really stirred it up for me! It was like the "Underworld" movies---vampires vs. werewolves---but instead of a head on collision between these two mythical creatures, it was sort of a love triangle!
Jacob was the main male protagonist of this book. Edward was somewhat a cross-over character appearing only in the beginning (as a continuation of "Twilight") and in the last few chapters (as the nexus of "Eclipse"). No wonder my friend Rix did not enjoy reading "New Moon"! I guess it has something to do with the forgettable character of Jacob Black in the movie version played by Taylor Lautner.

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