Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Twilight Book 3: Eclipse

Well, what do you know---it's like my high school days once more! Well, I haven't read in between bus rides yet or brought the book to the office to devour but I haven't read this fast since I read the "Lord of the Rings" series a couple of years back! So, as of 3:34 pm of February 11---I'm officially done with "Eclipse"! I guess one of the perks of being on the sick bed is that you have nothing much better to do, when you have your eyes open, than watch tv and read! Good for me then! I'm now on the first 3o pages of "Breaking Dawn"!

"Eclipse" evolves around the continuing love story of Bella and Edward coming back from their near fatal meeting with the Volturi, the legendary vampire coven in Italy. Bella finally gets approval from the Cullens, much to the dismay of Edward, to be a vampire---a practical solution to the impasse with the Volturi. But then, there's Jacob Black: Bella's best friend and persistent third party lover. For the love of God! Why couldn't she just dump this guy and get it over with! Well, Stephanie Meyer spins this off quite nicely---Bella is ALSO in love with Jacob! For a while I was under the impression that Jacob was becoming an ass trying to fit his place in Bella's life; then, lo and behold---Jacob was actually right in his claim that Bella is indeed in love with him! I have not yet (and not planning to) kiss a dead person but I couldn't get at grip on how Bella can tolerate kissing Edward---cold and hard---it must be like kissing a marble statue! Bella and Jacob's kiss is more in the league of "passionate"! I do believe that everyone will agree that two normal persons locked in a passionate kiss can really ignite a spontaneous combustion! Anyway, enough of the romance side! What I really like about this book is the alliance forged by vampires and werewolves as they united to face a common enemy!

It was thrilling to anticipate if someone will actually die and if Bella is really safe given the perfectly laid out plan by Jasper! At this point, it was really hard for me to put down the book! I was like trying to anticipate the outcome of the story (like when watching a movie) and falling short! This book I'd really want to see become a movie!

It had a rather sad ending though...I'm not telling since Chesca has yet to finish the book and I'm sure she'll get to read this blog today! Naner-naner-naner!

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