Monday, December 29, 2008

Jets Takes Early Vacation

What started out as a promising season ended with a fizzle as the Favre-led New York Jets ran out of fuel at the last stretch of the season.

The Jets were actually on top of their division with an 8-3 slate, which was already double their win total the previous season, but sputtered to lose the remaining 4 of their last 5 games. Their final game loss to the Miami Dolphins officially closed the door for a possible playoffs berth!

There has been a lot of debate as to why the Jets went on a skid and many of them have their fingers pointed at Brett Favre. According to one blog that I read, Favre should not be blamed solely for the dismal performance of the Jets in their last five games since the flaw maybe more on the Jets system itself more than whose quarterbacking. A case in point is the New England situation where Tom Brady was declared out for the season (due to an injury) and was replaced by second string quarterback Matt Cassell. Despite the fact that Cassell has not started a game since being drafted in 2005 he did a superb job in leading the Patriots for the 2008 season. Unfortunately, the 11-5 season that Cassell managed to carve out was not enough to bring them to the playoffs. Yes, the New England system is sound but I don't think it would have worked if Cassell have not played the way he did---successfully filling up the big void left by Brady. I'll give it to the Pats, they know talent when they see one!

Now, I'm a Favre fan and I shifted loyalties when he moved to the Jets, however, statistically speaking, Brett had much to do with the declension of the team. In the last five games, he threw for only 2 touchdowns and gave away 9 interceptions. This kind of stats will not win you games---even if your system is sound! Brett finished the season with 22 TDs and an equal amount of interceptions. Throwing an interception means giving back the ball to the other team and giving them the opportunity to score. It is the accountability of the quarterback. Brett knows this and offers no excuse---bad shoulder and all!

1 comment:

  1. I always thought that Favre will forever be a Packer....And to think a younger QB was passed over for him :D
