Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Breast Cancer Awareness

"To be forwarned is to be forarmed."

In many aspects of life we have learned to take clues from certain events in the past in order for us to become better prepared when the same situation occurs again in the future. Like during the rainy season when the chances of rain is high, you bring an umbrella; or, knowing that Monday morning traffic is more congested than any other day of the week, you set off earlier than usual. This is the same for breast cancer. Early detection is critical so it is important that the we are aware in terms of the self check procedure. Notice that I mentioned WE and not YOU since---yes my laddie---dudes can be prone to breast cancer too!
I chanced upon this video while web surfing. It is educational and with Olivia Munn teaching us how---definitely entertaining! Go easy now, boy!

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