Last March 28 marked a milestone in Chesca's life---her high school graduation! However, as I sat there listening to the valedictory speech, I was disappointed. The valedictory speech should inspire the other graduates to look forward to college life and dream big! Unfortunately, the speech focused more on reminiscing high school life and the thought of missing it after they've gone their separate ways. So let me impart my own graduation message to my daughter Chesca.
1. Have a VISION. Going to college without a vision is like sailing on a boat without a rudder! Know what you want and make it happen!
2. Be Persistent. College life will definitely not be an easy task. Challenges will surely present itself in every turn. As such, one must have a strong heart to hurdle the problems that may come your way.
3. Do not be afraid to fail. Failure is part of life. A person who does not have problems is already six feet under the ground. Treat failures as opportunities that you can learn from. Two important things you get to learn in failing: (1) you will know WHAT DOESN'T WORK; and, (2) failure gives you an opportunity to try A NEW APPROACH.
4. Do not waste time. Finish your course on time. As an old Chinese saying goes, "one ounce of of time is equivalent to one ounce of gold, but an ounce of gold will not be able to buy the ounce of time already passed." Among other things, we don't have the luxury of unlimitted resources for you to gallivant through college. Additional tip: LEARN FROM THE MISTAKES OF "OTHERS".
5. Hard work is more important than talent. Graduating with honors is not an INSTANT SUCCESS free card! I can name a number of honor students who failed to even graduate college. Talent alone will not guarantee success but hard work will.
6. Always think POSITIVELY. Positive thinking is the fuel for persistence. Always look at the brighter side. Accept circumstances that you don't have control over and make the best out of it.
7. Choose your friends well. "Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are." Friends have always been a big influence in all of our lives. Make sure that you pick them well.
8. Pray. Many people pray only during times of crisis. Don't be like that. Always keep God in your heart. Thank Him for all the blessings---great and small! Ask Him for guidance in all that needs deciding.
9. Walang nagsisisi sa huli! Regret always come in the end. Before making any major decision think first of the consequences. Make sure you will be able to live with whatever consequences your actions. Wala nang LIBRE ngayon!
Good luck and may the FORCE be with you!

Yung isang picture na pinadala mo e di ko na linagay dito---seloso ako e!